“Mama Lolitas is a unique Mexican concept modeled from Chef Joe Mazzocco’s upbringing in a close-knit Mexican household. The concept is approachable elevated family-style Mexican food, shared apps, and small plates with a focus on community and bringing together people to enjoy the experience.”
Chris Zeier is the Front of the House Manager at Mama Lolitas Mexican. Growing up in Chicago, Chris has worked in some of the best restaurants and been living and breathing service industry his entire life. Chris has helped create an amazing cocktail program for Mama Lolita’s and worked along side with Chef owner Joe Mazzocco to curate the best completely additive free tequila bar in Colorado.
The Inspiration
My inspiration for this cocktail is fall in Colorado. We will be serving it in a glass smoke box and presenting at the table with smoke being a large part of the presentation.